Vigilante justice: Lin Yao Li, 38, was ambushed by four women as she walked home from the shops in the city of Puyang in eastern China's Henan Province.Punching and kicking her to the ground while she writhed in agony, her attackers then ripped her clothes off and continued the beating, pulling her hair and kicking her in the breasts and groin. It is only the latest in a number of similar incidents in which it seems there is placid acceptance in Chinese society of such humiliation, as long as the victim is seen as deserving in having caused a man to cheat on his partner.Becoming normal? Local man Jun Feng, 30, who helped the woman after spotting her lying on the ground after her attackers left told local TV: 'This type of thing is becoming quite normal'.Injured: The woman was later taken to hospital where she was being treated for cuts, severe bruising and shock after begging someone to call an ambulance .
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